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Our VISION is to prepare Christians to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. This preparation hones in on 1 Peter 3:15, where Bethany Baptist Church will work to make sure that our teaching and preaching, not only proclaims the gospel; but additionally, trains others to "be ready always to give an answer to every man" that has need of understanding the scriptures and salvation through Jesus Christ. This includes all the why's and how's as much as possible. We understand that the church is losing ground in this current culture, and believe that the way to head it off, is to secure it's members in an understanding of not just believing, but understanding why one believes what they believe. The vision includes training others to present a biblical understanding from generation to generation. This means that teaching must begin with the parents, and that parents must be equipped to train their own children. Bethany Baptist Church's vision is to work hand in hand with families to grow future leaders for God to call as laborers into His harvest! 

Our MISSION is to send Christians as laborers into God's harvest! This is accomplished through sound teaching and training of the Bible; and, leaders living out this cause in their daily lives. Reading the scriptures is encouraged on a regular basis and living the testimonies of the Lord in a personal life is commanded by Christ, John 14:15, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." At Bethany, we are His witnesses to our families, friends, associates, city, state, country, and world. All of these are equally important, and all must see themselves as missionaries to a lost and dying world. This requires the church to make disciples who will gladly be stewards for the Lord Jesus. While maintaining church polity is important, reaching outside our building's doors and into the world is more important. "May all who follow us, find us faithful!" 

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