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Bethany Missionary Baptist Church
is located at 4701 E. Johnson in Jonesboro, Arkansas, at the corner of East Johnson Ave. and Paragould Dr. just across the road from NEA/Baptist medical complex.
Phone: 870 935 5318
Mailing Address: PO Box 17034, Jonesboro, AR 72401

What to expect at Bethany:

1. Bethany is always trying new things out on the congregation to see what works.  

2. There is no dress code, but the majority wears "business casual" on Sundays and usually whatever they went to work or school in.

3. There is a nursery, for your convenience, for the little ones up to 3 yrs old; however, if you want to keep your children out with you, please do. 

4. The services begin at 10 on Sunday. Typically, we sing, have prayer and announcements, prayer and offerings, sing, specials, preaching and closing prayer. Sunday night at 6pm is much less formal with mainly teaching. We use Sunday night like many churches use Sunday School. It is an opportunity for small group study and discussion. Wednesday's at 6:20pm offers Bible studies for all, although it is geared towards kids and young adults. (you may attend any of these)

5. The facility is fairly modernized with 2 LED TV's which presents the words to songs on a power-point style. Cordless microphones are also utilized during the services.

6. The children's program is on Wed's at 6:20, however, the youth group will sing specials often, especially on holidays, and at least once a quarter we have a special outing with them.

7. Parking is available on 3 sides of the building, with entry doors facing the parking areas. 

8. Security is maintained by the elders of the church who are periodically patrolling the building and parking areas.

9. As part of our outreach ministry, we include taking the word of God into homes of those who, for whatever reason, whoever would like it brought to them whether or not you are a member. If you are interested in this, contact the pastor for more details.

First Time Visitors

Service Schedule

Sunday School:    N/A

Sunday Worship:  10am

Sunday Evenings Bible Study classes: 6pm

Tuesday Evenings Bible Study: 2:30pm

Wednesday: Bible Study &

     Children's Groups: 6:20pm

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Procedure for Receiving Members 

  1. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL COMES ON PROFESSION OF FAITH DESIRING  BAPTISM:  We believe that it is Christ’s will for every new Christian to be scripturally baptized and join a local church. When an individual comes professing faith in Jesus Christ and desiring baptism, we take for granted that the individual also wishes to take the next logical step of obedience and become a member of the church. Therefore, all persons baptized by Bethany Missionary Baptist Church are added to the membership roll.  

  2. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL DESIRES TO UNITE WITH OUR CHURCH ON  PROMISE OF A LETTER OF  RECEOMMENDATION:  In this instance the Pastor shall present the individual to the church as one who wishes to join on promise of a letter of recommendation. The Pastor will state the name and location of the church from which the individual is transferring. At that time, someone in the church may make the following motion: “I move that this person be received as a candidate for membership of the church upon promise of a letter of recommendation. Upon reception of that letter, full fellowship with the church. “A second to the motion will be called for. Once received, discussion will be called for. After discussion, a vote will be taken. If that motion passes, the person will be accepted as a candidate for membership of the church until such time as the person’s letter of recommendation is received. The church clerk will send for a letter of recommendation as soon as possible. After a letter of recommendation is received, the person’s conditional membership will be upgraded to full membership. If for any reason a letter of recommendation is not received in a timely fashion, the matter will be referred back to the church for further investigation.  

  3. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL DESIRES TO UNITY WITH OUR CHURCH ON  STATEMENT OF FAITH:  In rare instances, it may be impossible for one wishing to join the church to obtain a letter or recommendation. In such instance, the Pastor will receive a statement from the individual as to the authenticity of the individual’s faith and baptism. If the Pastor is satisfied, he will present the individual’s statement of faith and scriptural baptism to the church, along with an explanation of why no letter of recommendation can be obtained. Someone in the church may then make the following motion: “I move that this person be received into the membership of the church upon this person’s statement of faith and scriptural baptism. “A second to the motion will be called for. Once received, discussion will be called for. After discussion, a vote will be taken. If the motion passes, the person will be accepted into the membership of the church.    

  4. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL IS UNDER THE DISCIPLINARY ACTION OF  ANOTHER CHURCH AND DESIRES TO  UNTITE WITH OUR CHURCH:  In this instance, the individual shall be counseled to seek reconciliation with the church administering discipline. No individual shall be received into the membership of Bethany Missionary Baptist Church who is under the disciplinary action of another church. Only after the individual has been reconciled with the church administering discipline will the individual be considered for membership in Bethany Missionary Baptist Church.  

  5. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL HAS BEEN EXCLUDED FROM THE MEMBERSHIP  OF BETHANY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH AND DESIRES TO BE  REINSTATED:  In this instance the Pastor and deacons shall meet with the individual concerning the individual’s offense. If the Pastor and deacons are satisfied that true repentance has taken place, the individual will be allowed to make a restitutionary statement to the church. Someone in the church may then make the following motion: “I move that this person be restored to membership and full fellowship with the church. “A second will be called for. Once received, discussion will be called for. After discussion, a vote will be taken. If the motion passes, the person will be received back into membership and full fellowship with the church.  

  6. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL DESIRES TO UNITE WITH OUR CHURCH BUT HAS  NOT BEEN SCRIPTURALLY BAPTIZED:  In this instance, the individual shall be encouraged to submit to scriptural baptism. If the individual is willing, scriptural baptism shall be administered at the first convenient opportunity. The individual then automatically becomes a member of the church according to the process described under D. 1.  

  7. WHEN AN INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS BEEN SCRIPTURALLY BAPTIZED  DESIRES TO UNITE WITH OUR CHURCH, BUT THE INDIVIDUAL’S  CURRENT MEMBERSHIP IS NOT WITH A CHURCH OF LIKE FAITH:  In this instance, the Pastor and/or deacons shall counsel with the individual concerning the individual’s reason for joining an errant church. They shall question the individual to make certain the individual is in full agreement with the doctrinal statement of Bethany Missionary Baptist Church. If that is the case, investigation will be made to determine if a letter of recommendation can be obtained from the last church of like faith to which the individual belonged. If so, then the individual may be received according to the procedure described in D. 2. If the individual was excluded from the church on grounds of heresy, then the individual must first seek reconciliation with the disciplining church. Once the individual has been reconciled to the disciplining church, the individual may be received according to procedures described in D. 4.   


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